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Wednesday, July 20, 2016 - 4:02 PM

The West Perth Football Club, after extensive consultation with the Antonio family, have decided to accept the WAFL Tribunals findings and as such will not be lodging an appeal.

Mitchell has decided to accept the WAFL Tribunal's decision out of respect for Beau and the Chatley family, and will not be appealing the severity of the decision.

The Antonio's have been deeply appreciative of the support they have received from West Perth, teammates, friends and family, and the broader football industry.

Mitchell's concerns have always and will always be on Beau's recovery and whilst we believe the judgement was harsh in the context of the incident, there was never an intent to injure or hurt Beau. The weeks pale into insignificance for the time that is going be required for Beau's (recovery).

Finishing the official matters today for Mitchell, allows the people around him to commence providing the ongoing support he will require in the days, weeks and years ahead.

Thank you.